May long weekend has passed and I learned something new.
Weed does funny things to a person. It does not make you smarter as I was led to believe through some conversations with pot-heads (note: If a pot-head has taken one post-secondary course in their lifetime they believe that they are the smartest kid on the block).
I realized that pot doesn't make you smarter, it just makes you easily impressed. I spent an entire afternoon absorbed by the amazingness of plants.
"Whoa man! Plants are crazy. They like, take the sun. And then they use it as food. Then you know what man? They get indigestion from eating the sun, and they fart out oxygen! Can you believe it? Plant farts keep us alive!" And so on.
The plant fart thing was pretty cool. But I still spent half of that afternoon being astounded by photosynthesis. Something we all learned about in elementary school.
Then I'm not sure if I was still high or not, but I started thinking of how cool it would be if people could photosynthesize... yeah, I was probably still high.
But that would be quite awesome. Just imagine how that would change the world.
"Hey fatty, get an umbrella!"
It'd be so crazy. All those starving kids in poor nations would be disgustingly fat. They'd probably still have those guilt-trip commercials. "For the price of a cup of coffee YOU can provide a ball cap and a treadmill for these tubs of lard."
PETA would probably be pretty happy too. "Never before have the lions of the world ate so good. These fat little children make for easy and delicious prey for the majestic beasts."
It's probably a good thing I don't smoke on a regular basis.