I was at a rather high profile sporting event recently and everything was as expected. Lines were long, seats were cold and beer was $5 a pop. But the icing on the cake could be heard over the P.A. system. They were still spinning ESPN Presents: Jock Jams.
Yeah that's right, they were pumping out mid 90's hip hop and dance music and sure not to forget the chorus to Queen's We Will Rock You. I'm not sure what happened to the YMCA, but I'll wager they were saving that gem for overtime. Nothing gets a team fired up for a stunning win than 30,000+ people singing about folks being down on their luck while miming out letters.
For the most part stadium music has been at a relative stand still for a little more than a decade and ESPN sure cashed in on that little fact. From 1995 to 1999 they released a Jock Jam album every year. Then in the new millennium they treated us with Jock Jams: The All-Star Jock Jams.
Why do we insist on playing this bullshit? Honestly, Jungle Boogie? In a time where most professional sports are dominated by African Americans is it really P.C. to be cranking Jungle Boogie to the max during a break in the play?
I don't know. Maybe those filthy Europeans are on to something with their "ole, ole, ole, ole". I mean it's easy to remember, it's not offensive, and its fun factor is directly tied to the number of beers consumed.
Folks it's time for a sporting music revolution here in North America.
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