Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Fuck you Japan
Friday, July 10, 2009
Funny People
Big Fan
Book of Blood
Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Half Week Hardcore
Death By Stereo - Welcome to the Party
Poison The Well - Cinema
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Money-Happiness Coefficient.
Now, on the outside this seems like it shouldn't be a big deal. A nice relaxing time with no work obligations or stresses. But it sucks. It's not that much fun. I'm broke. I can't do shit. Shit costs money and shit is fun.
People say that money can't buy you happiness. That's because it doesn't have to. If I had a shit-ton of money I wouldn't need to buy a damn thing to be happy. I'd be too busy poppin' boners over the fact that if I DID want to buy something, I COULD.
So in a way, money cannot buy you happiness, true. But in another more important and truthful way Money = Happiness.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Half Week Hardcore
Narrows - Gypsy Kids
Narrows - Chambered
Lewd Acts - Play Me Something That I Know
The Carrier - Wasted
Monday, June 1, 2009
Dog Pull Skateboarding
Here we go.

I almost lost it on the speed wobbles.

Jason Adams "Miller High Life" Enjoi deck, Bones "filming" wheels and Independent Trucks.

Happy dog.

Trevor testing out the ride.

Tired dog.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Welcome to Saskatoon

Saskatoon. It's not a bad place to live. Cost of living is pretty good. It's big enough that there are interesting things to do and small enough that it only takes a maximum of about a half hour to get there. Lions skatepark is one of the better parks in western Canada. Yeah it has ridiculously cold winters, but the generally long and hot summers usually make up for it. The economy here is on a steady boom while the rest of the world is struggling. Oh and the music scene is really starting to take a turn for the better.
So why am I telling you all of this? Because apparently Saskatoon is not only the murder capital of Canada but is also considered the 9th most dangerous city on the planet. Of course these are based on statistics because honestly, are you in more danger living in Saskatoon or Detroit? Don't tell anyone though, a little bit of assumed toughness never hurt anyone.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Classic Skate Video Parts: Fulfill the Dream - Chad Muska
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Best Store/Office Ever??

I'd say so. Designed by studiometrico in Milan, the Bastard store and Comvert HQ combines intricately detailed modern design with a very well designed skate bowl. It's my dream to be able to work in a space like this everyday, being an architectural tech and a brand owner. It's always exciting to see a building apapdted from it's original use and designed perfectly for a new completely different use of space. In this case, from a theatre to a clothing store.
Skate bowl.

Store area.

Click the link below to check out some more pictures including some shots if the construction of the bowl.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Half Week Hardcore
AFI - Coin Return
Poison The Well - Nerdy
The Nerve Agents - Evil
More metal than hardcore, but they were an awesome band anyways.
Burn In Silence - Lines From An Epitaph
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Brad Pitt: Top 5 things Mike Carroll Says When He's Drunk

Crailtap caught a video of Brad Pitt running down the top 5 things Mike Carroll says when he's drunk. I think after this he'll be able to add "Brad Pitt knows my name! Seriously!"
Check it out here.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Half-Week Hardcore
Gorilla Biscuits - Sitting Around At Home.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Truth About Swine Flu
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Racism IS funny

I've been in China for a while now. It has been equally exciting and soul crushing.
To make money I've taken a job teaching english as a second language. The students are Chinese and about 12 years old. I truly and whole heartedly hate kids. But, the other day I was delighted. Two of my students were tormenting one other student. I didn't know what was going on, but the one weiner kid was weeping. Because I wanted to seem like I cared I asked the two "mean" kids to cut it out. Then I asked them what they were doing.
They told me they were just being funny. They were teasing the third kid because, "he looks Japanese". Yup.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Congratulations Mayhem!
Friday, April 17, 2009
The great equalizer.

There is one thing irresistable to all people. Young and old, rich and poor, stupid and not stupid. Animal Fights! The only thing more compelling than blood lust is adorability. So when you see a kitten take on a turn table, or a squirrel and a couple of birds fight over a nut. You can be the hardest mofo on the planet, but it'll get ya... it'll get ya.
I found http://www.maniacworld.com/Animal_Fights.htm by accident and I haven't been able to get shit done since. Beware it eats up all of your time. The cuteness in that page destroys lives.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hey Christians!

I've got a bone to pick with you.
You got to stop saying "Welcome to the world" when you see babies. Facebook updates or comments like, "the world welcomes baby who gives a shit" and "welcome to the world baby Dingus" are driving me nuts.
So what you're telling me is that they aren't really a part of the world before they fall out of a vagina? They don't really exist? They don't matter?
Cool! I'm fine with that.
Now why do you get all up in arms when people give babies the ol'hook n'flush before they have a chance to come into the world and exist?
You don't want to come across as hypocritical do you? That'd be a first.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Half Week Hardcore
Terror - Spit My Rage
Most Precious Blood - Shark Ethic
Death By Stereo - Don't Piss On My Neck And Tell Me it's Raining
How to change your facebook privacy settings
Friday, April 3, 2009
Classic Skate Video Parts: Stevie Williams - Chocolate Tour
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Dawg Fight
Dawg Fight from rakontur on Vimeo.
Half Week Hardcore
Agnostic Front - Gotta Go
Another Joe - Special Blend
Bouncing Souls - East Side Mags
Integrity - Vocal Test
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Hair brained world domination scheme no.138

I am in China, a land where people cannot grow facial hair at all.
I can grow a mean puberty stache and that's about all. The Chinese seem to really love gross facial hair. I believe I can be a king, or a god around here, if I try.
I will begin my quest and I'll start posting pictures of my disgusting progress.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Also, she's likely ugly
Half Week Hardcore
Since I've been doing a bit of writing about Canadian Hip Hop, here' some Canadian Hardcore for you.
Cancerbats - Deathsmarch
Comeback Kid - Wake The Dead
SNFU - Don't Have The Cow
Dayglo Abortions - Proud To Be A Canadian
Monday, March 23, 2009
Canadian Hip-Hop History: Part 2
The next phase of my devoted hip hop listening was heavily influenced by Reggae and for a long time the only thing I wanted was to visit Jamaica, I was obsessed with the country for a few years.
Snow, when I was 10/11 years old that word meant a lot more to me than just the shitty white stuff that covers the ground for half the year. Informer had me hooked from the second I heard it. Before the video came out, muchmusic had Snow do the song live in a gondola going up some mountain. I'm pretty sure I taped that and wore out the vhs before I ever got my hands on the full album, which was also a tape. There were a bunch of songs on that tape that I loved: Lonely Monday Morning, Creative Child, Lady With the Red Dress but none got anywhere near as popular as Informer.
The next song was Raggadeath's - One Life. This song was actually very important in my musical evolution as it was one of the first times I was exposed to a heavier sound, which would get heavier and more brutal as I got older. I remember the video for the song featuring snowboarding and thats what initially got me interested in the song. I vividly remember asking my mom to buy the One Life cd for me, but as soon as she saw that the band name had "death" in it it was a no go. Could that be why I'm so into death metal now? This isn't the actual video, I couldn't find it, but check out the song anyways.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Classic Skate Video Parts: Lavar McBride - Trilogy
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Canadian Hip-Hop History: Part 1
The first song that comes to mind that I can vividly remember listening to and trying to remember all the words to was Maestro Fresh Wes' "Let Your Backbone Slide". It came out in '89 and is still the best selling Canadian hip-hop single of all time.
Thanks to hiphopcanada's youtube channel for the video.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Sublime reunion.

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love Sublime, and in particular Bradley. So naturally the idea of a Sublime reunion seems very weird to me. I understand that there were 3 people involved in Sublime and it wasn't all Bradley. I also understand that fans would like to hear the songs live and even the possibility of a new album. But personally, I have to stand on the side that believes that this band should not be considered "Sublime". For the same reason that The Misfits should not have been called "The Misfits" once Danzig left. And for the same reason that there could never be another "Nirvana" without Cobain. I'll admit that the second incarnation of The Misfits is one of my favorite bands, and that this new Sublime singer is awesome and they sound great live. I just don't think that it's right. The other band members obviously have their owns thoughts and at the end of the day, they knew Bradley, something I could never say, and they would be the best judges of how he would interpret the new Sublime. I know if the ever tour and come near me, I'll be going, but it could never be the same.
Here's a link to a bunch of videos of their first live show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TgUhc627-I&feature=related
And a video of the new singer doing his rendition of T.I.'s "Whatever you like"
Monday, March 9, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Happy Birthday Cash!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Mike Brown Crushes Leonard Garcia
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Burnin Up!
Kid is "Burnin' Up"
Friday, February 27, 2009
Deathwish Package

Ringworm/Terror 7"
Internal Affairs - Evil Egyptians 7"
Carpathian - Isolation CD
Cold World - Dedicated To Babies Who Came Feet First CD
Ringworm - The Promise CD
My turntable will get some use this weekend.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
In the past few years my spam folder has shifted gears. Yes, it still has a sexual tone to it, but now it is riddled with ads for "Extendz" and "Viagra".
I miss the days when the internet thought I was a virile sexual deviant, not a man with a small limp penis.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Half-Week Hardcore
Words could never describe how much I love this song.
Fucking STRIFE!
The songs this week got progressively harder, so here's some really hard stuff.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Half-Week Hardcore
Internal Affairs
Cold World
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Out of body experience
Now was it so stupid you actually had a small out-of-body experience? You brain, soul or whatever actually detached itself from your physical self and watched the carnage unfold.
This happened to me a few years ago. A girl I was seeing came to me and said "Adam, is it true that guys look at a girls mom to figure out what the girl will look like when she's older?"
At this point my brain said, "Shit." because it had noticed that my lips were already moving. Now my brain was sitting outside my body watching this scene like a Black guy at a scary movie. But instead of yelling at the character to stay out of the barn, it was telling me "Do not call her mom fat".
What my brain witnessed was a doomed fool say, "Well I haven't given up hope that you're adopted yet".
What happened next made Saw I-V look like a Smurfs marathon.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Alien Workshop Mind Field

Alien Workshop has been a fantastic skateboard company for a very long time, so when I heard about there new video Mind Field, obviously I got excited, also the fact that there was a few guys who rented a little hall to do the premiere was awesome. Alien Workshops other video, Photosynthesis was amazing, one of my favorites.
Last night Kent and I went to the premiere, and to say the least we were not disappointed, it was very good! The whole layout of the video, the editing...everything except the music, which was kinda wierd, maybe I am just saying that because its not the style of music I listen to at all, I dont know, but I dont watch skateboard videos for the music, I watch them obviously for the Skateboarding. The actual skateboarding in this video was awesome! The parts in my mind were just a little to shirt. Like Mr. Rob Dyrdek, I very much enjoy watching him skateboard, everything about his skateboarding I like, I just would have liked to see his part be like 2-3 time longer, but it wasnt, and i still liked it.
Go buy this video, watch and enjoy!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Joshua Hoffine
Here is a little sample of what he does!

There are many more than just these two, to see the rest go to his web site www.joshuahoffine.com
Source: Joshuahoffine.com
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Dog Fights

Crispin Hellion Glover
Here's a video with some quick peeks at It Is Fine, Everything Is Fine.
Check out longer clips here at Crispin's website.
The artwork for the movie.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Lets get ready to rumble.
Either way we got into an honest to goodness rumble with a rival gang, The Busters.
The energy in the air was electric. We had our plain white t's, our jeans with the cuffs, black Chuck Taylor shoes, and our typical greaser gang weapons.
I was sporting a tube sock filled with change.
Soon the fight was on. And midway through my first swing I saw my money sprayiing out of the hole in the big toe area of the sock. While absorbing hits with a fence board and watching my change spill down the street I realized I probably could have purchased a real weapon with the money I had dumped into a stinky sock. I mean, how much could a lead pipe cost? Shit, this guy was using a fence board to inflict his damage.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Classic Video Parts: Trilogy - Gino Ianucci
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Lux Interior. 1946-2009
The Cramps - Save It
The Cramps - Surfin' Dead
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Half-Week Hardcore
Stick to your guns - Enough Is Enough
Have Heart - The Unbreakable
Gravemaker - Time Heals Nothing
Note: This video is hilarious.
And some metal.
All That Remains - Two Weeks
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
From Punk to Hardcore to Pop. I don't call that evolution.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Gangsta! Gangsta!

I don't know when this went down, but the egomaniacle media whore Kanye West slipped on a subtle pair of angel wings for a performance somewhere and a handful of black actors payed to be in the front row seemed to give a damn.
I don't listen to Kanye West or rap, so I am the last person to take rap advice from but I will say this. In a genre that, since breaking into mainstream culture, has always been haunted by a violent stereotype. Tupac, Biggie, and countless other rappers with goofy names have shot and been shot and died or killed as the case may be. They've glorified drugs and violence. 50cent has been shot and that makes him cool. T.I. was found with a stockpile of illegal firearms and so on. But all of these people are better influences than Kanye West.
Kanye took something sacred and sullied it. Angels wings! Angels wings, Kanye!
Those are for freakishly beautiful women to parade around in their underwear to promote unrealistic and unhealthy body images for all those fat uggos, plain janes and shy broads.
Two more things:
1. Kanye, how do you sleep at night you heartless bastard.
2. Start looking more like her ya lazy slags!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Mastodon - Divinations

Mastodon has finally posted a proper preview from "Divinations", off of their upcoming record "Crack The Skye". Personally, I'm incredibly excited for this to come out. I'm pretty bummed that I didn't find out about the limited edition Shirt/CD bundle (shown above) until today and it has officially sold out. The record is set for release on March 24, I'll be at the CD Plus on my lunch break forsure.
Check out the clip of the song at their official site.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Half-Week Hardcore
H2O - What Happened. Note: Michael Rapaport kicks ass.
The Black Dahlia Murder - Closed Casket Requiem.
Pink Eyes
I sort of doubt the interviewers actual enthusiasm for the band, but at least he's not retarded.
Check out the Mishka Obama "09 Bootleg Black Bart shirt he's wearing.
Sandwich Maker Fraud
Boy was I tricked. Not only do I still have to make the sandwich, I now have an extra step to go through before enjoying my sandwich. It lied to me, it took a simple process, said it would do it for me and then threw that back in my face with an added step for me to do!
The people behind the sandwich maker obviously did not buy into Mitch Hedbergs school of thought on naming appliances:
"What does it do?"
"It heats up a sandwich and toasts the bread."
"...anything else?"
"No. That's all."
"Yeah, see. We already have a toaster, and a toaster oven."
"What if we just lie and say it makes the sandwich for you!?!"
"Well, we'll sell a lot more units calling it the Sandwich Maker rather than telling the truth!"
That's probably how it all went down.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The country with kaleidoscope skies
This being the case, I have seen many a fireworks displays in my 26 years on planet earth. I've seen them in person and even "ooh'd" and "awwww'd" at ones on television. This year I was fortunate enough to be in China over Chinese New Year.
Now you can forgive them for being a little late to the game (January 1 ya goofy bastards) because they more than make up for their tardiness with over the top exuberance and lack of care for physical safety.
The night of the 25th was the big show, but the whole week leading up to it there were people blasting off fireworks in anticipation. It is now two days after and my living room still lights up in green, red and the occasional yellow tinge.
I say this without a hint of sarcasm. The fireworks display on Chinese New Year in China makes every 4th of July display look like an old painted whore - interesting to look at, but none too pretty.
Why leave the fun of pyrotechnics to trained professionals when there are little kids and 100 year old men who could be blasting off hundreds to thousands of dollars of fireworks in the streets?
Monday, January 26, 2009
Skate 2